Pool Dehumidification Experts

Kilmer Environmental is Ontario’s Leading Provider of Indoor Pool Dehumidifiers.








The "Go-To" Team

Our extensive knowledge and experience has earned us the status of the “Go-To” team for the critical tasks of saving energy, controlling humidity, and protecting your valuable pool enclosure.

Humidity Control Experts

Thinking of building a new indoor pool? Or, is it time to replace your old and inefficient indoor pool dehumidifier?

Kilmer offers our clients the most advanced and reliable indoor pool dehumidification systems available.

Seresco Advanced Technology

Seresco is the leading manufacturer of energy-recycling indoor pool dehumidifiers. Put simply, they build the best pool dehumidifiers on the market!

  • Web-Based Monitoring

    Pool owners love Seresco’s WebSentry technology. See room conditions and much more from anywhere around the world. Assistance is available remotely by Seresco factory technicians.

  • Built To Last

    Critical parts are not exposed to the corrosive pool air. Air coils are fully coated for corrosion protection. Seresco uses only high-efficiency premium ECM motors. All Seresco equipment is designed for easy service and maintenance.

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